
Now I’m sure you all know about the new cover of Paper Magazine. If you haven’t, what have you been doing with your life? Whether you follow Kim Kardashian or not, it’s the buzz everyone has been talking about. Kim Kardashian has “broken the internet” again. Her photo shoot with Jean-Paul Goude in Paris has been published and released for $10 a copy. The photos that seem heavily Photoshopped to make her plastic butt look bigger and waist smaller is a bit much, not to mention the amount of oil she has on her body to make her seem more tasteful. And one more thing that bothers me is the fact that she reminds me of Audrey Hepburn with the hair, the gloves, and the pearls! That’s quite disrespectful to her image, in my opinion. If you haven’t seen what she looks like just Google her.

So moving further into the topic, my question, as many people have questioned, “Why did she do it?!”

Attention? Money? She’s already rich. Her mother has done a great deal to keep their family in the headlines, even if the majority of what she’s done is unethical. To remain relevant? The woman is married to Kanye West! What more does she want? She should just stop and play the role of North’s mom and Kanye’s wife. Speaking of Kanye, I find it both funny and disappointing to see him retweet her cover photo with the hashtag #ALLDAY. There are so many things people have to say about it.

“What about Baby North?”

“She’s a mother, for crying out loud.”

“How sad. What will North think when she grows up?”

I can go on and on. Or you can read all the comments for yourself on Kim’s Facebook and Kanye’s twitter replies.

The thing is, how far is she willing to go before she turns into a “has been?” What more can she offer after she’s removed all clothes and revealed every inch of her-from the sex tape, to British Vogue (which was pretty tasteful photography) to this? What can she really offer society besides PR techniques and social media strategies that her team cover? A video game? Please, that was a sad excuse for her to say, “I’ve done something.” And the fact that it’s making millions proves that this world is obsessed with things and people who are pretty much relevant for no good reason. But Kim told Paper Magazine, “I love sharing my world with people. That’s just who I am. No more no less.” I don’t think you have any more to share, Kim.

I read an article on Elite Daily, while there are many here but the best article I read so far about this phenomenon would have to be the one featuring Chelsea Handler’s photo. I just love her!

Kim vs Chelsea

Kim vs Chelsea: Who Did It Better?

Maybe she’s simply trying to make a statement and compete with people who’ve already broken the internet? Take Beyoncé and iTunes, for example? But the thing is, you cannot compare Kim Kardashian to Beyoncé. Beyoncé is an artist. She sings, she dances she performs, she strategically brands herself everyday and she has morals. Beyoncé doesn’t feel the need to put herself in situations Kim has to remain relevant. She’s confident enough to know she always will be. I’m not saying I’m team Beyoncé (although I am), I’m just saying there are better ways to brand yourself, you just have to think and be creative. Maybe Kim should just donate millions to help end child hunger. That’ll be more ethical, right?

I think it’s kind of hard to accept the fact that someone can simply make a career out of being social media’s most talked about and most followed celebrity on the planet. But that is what this world has come to. I, personally, prefer to get a good laugh from the viral video of 25-year-old Jorge Pena slapping the living hell out of the 21-year-old woman who assaulted him with words and her Steve Madden heel. Here’s the link to the video and story.

